Subscription-Art Challenges - "Teaching the Artist Within You" Library $20 month
Videos and Zooms - Experience success with easy step-by-step detailed lessons on videos and enjoy recorded Zoom critiques of artists. Open Videos below to preview.
2 Video lessons - Samples of what is in the subscription
"All Cracked Up" Lesson #7 is a favorite.
Lesson # 7 "All Cracked Up" watercolor lesson in subscription
"Continuous Drawing" below Lesson #
Your Instructor
Linda Aman - Aman Arts
Artist and Instructor
Linda Aman is a prize-winning artist and instructor teaching throughout the United States. Her work is displayed and sold in corporate settings, galleries and shows. She has Signature status in the WFWS, is a distinguished merit member of the Idaho Watercolor Society, member of Watercolor Society of Oregon, Gallery 12, Oregon Society of Artists, Nampa Art Guild, Idaho Art Museum, ISEA, Idaho Falls Art Council, Art Expressions and other professional art groups. She has been an Artist in residence in Yellowstone National Park and also recently in West Yellowstone Nature Conservation. She has also taught over 3000 adults in the arts.
Linda creates work that tells a story with emotion interpreting the beauty she sees and capturing the essence of nature. Linda works with various materials - watercolor, oil and cold wax, encaustic, acrylic and mixed media in unique ways to awaken the sense of discovery.
Linda’s goals include educating her students and the general public through speaking engagements, studio interactions, articles, teaching and mentoring. She believes the creative process is best appreciated and enhanced as the public interacts with working artists.
For more on Linda’s work or classes
Visit my website
You Tube channel
Some of the lessons were new to me, but more often they were technics that you'd taught in class or retreats that were familiar to me. Doing it in class is not like doing it and seeing it over and over until I understand it. You've said it, demo'd it, stood next to me while I did it but these lessons have solidified my understanding.
Thank You!!!!! This is the perfect training for me.
" I love the website, clear graphics, easy to navigate and once you're in you always go directly to Linda’s lessons. The lessons are fabulous, of course, you can keep track of your progress, go back and review them, and you keep on learning!"
You included so many details and techniques you have discovered yourself (you are always saying, "You know how I know this?") and shared them with us.
I will feel much more confident when I attempt this myself and especially being able to replay the video. Thanks for all the good information.
Sample of Curriculum Listed below. Once you purchase you can open the lessons.
Course Curriculum
StartWhat to expect in this course-video (4:14)
StartClues to Navigate the curriculum-video-scroll down to view (9:18)
StartResources - Art Supplies- Two Supply Lists- Plus More Information
StartResources - Downloads-Studio poster, M Graham paint charts
StartMy Video Equipment-video (5:10)
StartMy YouTube channel link
StartLesson 1 "Continuous Drawing" Video and Art Challenge (10:15)
StartLesson 2 "Bookmarks for Blessings" Video and Art Challenge (20:17)
StartLesson 3 "Simply Designed Play" Video and Art Challenge (32:31)
StartLesson 4 "New Beginnings" Video and Art Challenge (36:16)
StartLesson 5 "Loving Lilacs" Video and Art Challenge (45:36)
StartLesson 6 "Discovering Clues and Properties of Watercolor Paints" Video and Art Challenge (27:19)
StartLesson 7 "All Cracked Up" Video and Art Challenge (49:26)
StartLesson 8 "Floral Transformation" Video and Art Challenge (39:39)
StartLesson 9 "DIY Brush and Mark Makers" (38:32)
StartLesson 10 "Mark Making Abstract" (25:58)
StartLesson 11 "How to Mount Artwork on a Cradled Board" (37:07)
StartLesson 12 "In the Midst of Noise" (35:58)
StartLesson 13 "Romaine Roses in Watercolor" (14:30)
StartLesson 14 "Six Basic Applications of Applying Watercolor" (35:40)
StartLesson 15 "Paint a Pear" (33:20)
StartLesson 16 "En Plein Air" (21:29)
StartLesson 17 "Sunflower in Watercolor" (43:12)
StartLesson 18 "Poinsettia in Watercolor" (37:48)
StartLesson 19 "Watercolor Landscape on Yupo Paper" (41:21)
StartLesson 20 "Special Occasions" Large Giraffe Birthday Card (36:22)